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  • 译文对比
  • 原文:The acoustics are the most important criteria for success for the new Opera House. It has therefore been a primary objective that the acoustics in the Main auditorium shall be at least as good or better than the best of comparable auditoriums in Northern Europe. Experience shows that a horseshoe form is the best design for achieving optimum acoustics in an opera theatre, which is why the design was adopted for the Main auditorium. Materials are also important for tone and timbre. Modern preference is for timbre, where music is prioritized over song and speech. In the Main auditorium, the objective is to achieve a resonant solution that meets requirements of reverberance, early decay time and loudness. This will not preclude the adaptability of the auditorium to meet other acoustic requirements in settings such as musicals and concerts. In order to achieve these objectives, all acoustic conditions have been subjected to in depth studies using physical and digital models.
  • 一般翻译公司译文:音质效果是衡量新的歌剧院是否成功的最重要的标准。因此,最基本的目标是使得大礼堂的音质效果至少达到或优于北欧地区已有大礼堂的最佳标准。经验表明,马蹄形是实现歌剧院最优声学效果的最佳设计,这是大礼堂采用这一设计的原因。材料对于音调和音质也同样重要。现代人更注重音质,即大家优先考虑音乐而不是歌曲和演讲。在大礼堂方面,其目标是获得满足要求的回音效果、音乐早期衰减时间以及音量需求的共振效果。不能为了满足音乐剧和音乐会中乐曲的听觉要求就牺牲礼堂的适应性。为了实现这些目标,所有的音乐设备已经使用物理和数字模型进行了深入研究。
  • 亚太译联译文:鉴定新歌剧院成败与否的最重要标准即建筑物的音响效果。因此设计建造的首要目标即打造一个音响效果超群的北欧礼堂,使之至少不亚于任何可与之相媲美的礼堂。设计经验告诉我们,要想使歌剧院的音响效果达到最佳,马蹄铁形设计方案最为理想,这也正是该设计主礼堂采用此设计的原因之所在。建材之于音调和音色也至关重要。现代设计理念倾向于对音色的追求,而音乐则凌驾于歌曲和演讲之上。主礼堂的设计宗旨即打造一个能应对混响、早衰时长及音量问题的共鸣解决方案。该解决方案将不会影响礼堂满足表演音乐剧或音乐会时的其他音响需求。为了实现这些目标,所有的音响条件均接受了物理及数字模型深度研究。
  • 中译英
  • 原文:报告指出,2011年尽管新船交付量同比有所缩减,但是受航运运输需求恢复乏力的影响,市场供需比例进一步拉大,同时受世界经济增长趋缓、航运企业竞争加剧、货主企业不断进入运输市场等因素影响,运价跌入冰点,市场整体处于低位运行。在如此低迷的运价水平下,航运企业又面临油价大幅上涨、企业管理成本不断上升、国际热钱不断流出航运版块、企业现金流短缺等不利因素,企业经营利润直线下降,普遍亏损严重,部分已经申请破产保护,甚至倒闭。
  • 一般翻译公司元译文:The report points out that, in 2011 though delivery quantity of new ships shrank compared with last year, under the influence of weak shipping transport demand recovery, the proportion of market supply and demand increased more, meanwhile due to the effect of slow global economy growth, fierce shipping enterprise competition, continuous entrance of shipper enterprise to transport market and so on factors, the transport price fell into a freezing point and the whole market operation worked slowly. Under such a depressed circumstance of transport price, shipping enterprises also face disadvantages like the large increase of oil price, continuous growth of business management cost, constant outflow of international hot money from shipping area and shortage of enterprise cash flow, which leads to a sharp decrease of enterprise operation profit. Enterprises are universally in serious deficit, and some of them have already applied for bankruptcy protection, or even have bankrupted.
  • 亚太译联译文:It is also noted that despite the YoY reduction in the delivery of new ships, the supply/demand ratio of the markets further went up due to the weak recovery of shipping needs in 2011. Meanwhile, under the influence of global economic slowdown, fiercer competitions of liners and influx of cargo owners into the markets, the freight rate plumbed its depth and the markets remained sluggish on the whole. To cap it all, liners were facing the huge rise of oil prices, the increasing expenditures of corporate management, the withdrawal of international hot money from shipping industry, and the shortage of cash flow. As a result, most of these companies recorded plummeting profits or severe loss, and some of them had filed for bankruptcy protection or fallen into liquidation.